Birthday Table (From 0-13 years.)


  • Organic sourdough bun with butter
  • Homebaked cake with flags
  • Organic lemonade in jugs


A minimum of 10 children, can only be held during week days. 

If you want to have a party during the weekend, please have a look at our other menus.

125 kr. per person from 3 years up to 13 years old.

25 kr. per baby from 0 years up to 3 years old.


Duration: 2 hours

The first 30 minutes you eat buns and unwrap gifts.

Afterwards you go out in the nature and play.

The next 30 minutes you eat the cake and sing the last birthday song.

Parent-coffee can be bought for 130 kr. per thermos.


All drinks are ordered seperately, have a look at our selection right here.

Contact & how to book your party

Please contact Traktørstedet at our mail: for you to get a "Sheet of Agreement" which is to be filled out with details for your wishes on menu and drinks.

Inhere it is noted what you wish to order, any specific allergenes, time and date & you contact information.

Here you can look at an example of a "Sheet of Agreement".